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焦飞鹏,男,汉族,出生于1975年1月,中共党员,博士后,副教授,系湖南省常德市人。先后主持:国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、国家自然科学基金青年项目1项;省自然科学基金重点项目1项、省自然科学基金一般项目1项;中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目1项、省博士后基金项目1项;学校仪器共享开放项目1项;学校教学改革项目1项。指导校级研究生自主探索创新项目1项、本科生自主探索创新及创新训练项目3项;横向课题4项。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在国内外刊物上发表学术论文50余篇,被SCI收录39篇。被中国工程教育认证协会聘用为工程专业认证专家组秘书、被邀参加基金委举办的化学工程青年学者学术研讨会。担任国家自科基金项目通讯评审人、国际权威期刊Applied Clay Science,Process Biochemistry, Journal of Hazardous Materials等多家学术期刊的审稿人。2013年-2014年借调教育部高教司期间,全面参与了国家级大学生创新创业训练计划的各项工作,同时参与组织了2014年部属高校校外实践教育基地的立项建设与规划等工作。 

本科生课程:<<化工原理>>; <<仪器分析基础》 

化学工程; 化学工艺; 生物化工 
湘潭大学 化学工程专业 学士 
湘潭大学 化学工程专业 硕士 
中南大学 应用化学专业 博士 
中南大学 矿物材料专业 博后

人 气:252

标 签:中南大学焦飞鹏副教授
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 酒石酸衍生物插层水滑石复合薄膜的制备及手性拆分性能研究,在研,项目编号: 21476269
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 双金属氧化物与双金属氧化物/碳纳米管杂化材料吸附氨基酸性能研究,在研,项目编号:21176263
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目 基于微流控的高效亲和膜色谱拆分氨基酸对映体及其传质机理研究,结题,项目编号:20805058 
[4] 湖南省自然科学基金重点项目 微流控的亲和膜色谱拆高效分氨基酸对映体及其传质机理研究,结题,项目编号:09JJ3026 
[5] 湖南省自然科学基金一般项目 双向识别溶剂气浮手性拆分药物对映体研究,在研,项目编号:14JJ2014
[6] 中国博士后第二批特别资助项 目酒石酸衍生物插层水滑石薄膜、粉体的制备及其在手性吸附分离中的应用研究,结题。
1、化学工业出版社出版; 中草药成分分析分离分析技术与方法; 第6章, 出版日期: 2006年4月第1版
2、高等教育出版社 科教结合协同育人行动计划进展报告; 出版日期:2014年8月第1版
任副教授以来以第一作者或第一通讯作者发表SCI文章. 论文名称.期刊名称,年,卷(期):页码
[1] F. P. Jiao, X. Q. Chen et al. Intercalation of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides by (+)-dibenzoyl-d-tartaric acid: Preparation and characterization. J. mol. Struct., 2009, 921 (1-3): 328-332
[2] Feipeng Jiao, Xiaoqing Chen, et al. Enantioselective Extraction of Racemic Mandelic Acid by Di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric Acid and Tartaric Acid Derivatives as Mixed Complex Chiral Selectors. Solvent Extr. Ion Exc., 2009, 27: 447-458 重要刊物 
[3] F. P. Jiao, X. Q. Chen, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Mg-Al/Zn-Al Layered Double Hydroxides Intercalated with (+)-2, 3-di(p-toluyl)-tartaric acid. J. mol. struct., 2010, 964 (1-3): 152-157 
[4] FEI PENG JIAO, XIAO QING CHEN, HONG ZHOU YU, LING YANG. Preparation and spectra properties of inclusion complexes of Vitamine E with beta-cyclodextrin. J. Food Process Pres., 2010, 34: 114-124
[5]Jiao Feipeng, Li Lin, Chen Xiaoqing et al. High resolution of racemic mandelic acid through a method of bubble fractionation. Chin. J. chem., 2010, 28: 673-677
[6] JIAO Fei-peng, FU Zhao-di,SHUAI Li, CHEN Xiao-qing. Removal of phenylalanine from water with calcined CuZnAl-CO3 layered double hydroxides. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2012,22: 476-482
[7] Chen, Xiaoqing, Liu, Li, Jiao, Feipeng(通讯作者), Wang, Zhen. Extraction of Phenylalanine Enantiomers by Aqueous Two Phase Systems Containing Combinatorial Chiral Selector. Chin. J. chem., 2012,30(4): 965-969
[8] Feipeng Jiao, Li Liu,Dandan Huang, Weijie Yang, Lingxing Tian, Xiaoqing Chen. Enantioseparation of ofloxacin enantiomers by mixed extractants in biphasic ystem. Sep. Sci. Technol., 2012,47:1971-1976 重要刊物
[9] Xiaoqing Chen,Weijie Yang,Yangmeihui Zhou, Feipeng Jiao(通讯作者). In situ synthesis of monolithic molecularly imprinted stationary phases for liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of dibenzoyl tartaric acid enantiomers. J. Porous Mater., 2012,19(5): 587-595
[10] FEIPENG JIAO, LINGXING TIAN, WEIJIE YANG, FEN WANG,LIN LI, AND XIAOQING CHEN. Enantioseparation of Racemic Mixtures Based on Solvent Sublation. Chirality, 2012, 24(8):661-667 重要刊物
[11] Xiaoqing Chen, Weijie Yang, Lingxing Tian, Feipeng Jiao(通讯作者). Enantioseparation of -cyclohexyl-mandelic acid based on solvent sublation. Tetrahedron: Asymmtr.2012,9: 1227-1233 重要刊物
[12] Xiaoqing Chen, Qiuli Dong, Jingang Yu,Feipeng Jiao(通讯作者). Extraction of Tryptophan Enantiomers by Aqueous Two-phase System of Ethanol and (NH4)2SO4. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 2013,88(8): 1545-1550 权威刊物
[13] Feipeng Jiao, Hailei Song, Xinyu Jiang, Xiaoqing Chen, Jinggang Yu. Enantioselective separation of tryptophan by Mg-Al layered double hydroxides intercalated with tartaric acid derivative. Appl. Clay Sci., 2013,75-76: 92-99 权威刊物
[14] Feipeng Jiao, Lei Zhou, Xiaoqing Chen,Jingang Yu. Adsorption and removal of Sudan red from organic solutions by oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Curr. Nano Sci., 2013,9(5): 624-630 重要刊物
[15] Song J, Yang W J, Jiao F P(通讯作者), Yu J G. Improved photocatalytic activity of Bi2O3 composites derived from a layered precursor, Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat., 2013,110(2): 529-541 
16] Jiao F P(通讯作者), Preparation of diamine modified mesoporous silica on multi-walled carbon nanotubes for the adsorption of heavy metals in aqueous solution, Appl Surf Sci 282 (2013) 38-45 重要刊物
[17Liu Y F, Song J, Yang W J, Jiao F P(通讯作者), Huang J. Synthesis, characterization and release of a-naphthaleneacetate from thin films containing Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide, J. Mol. Struct., 2014,1064:100-106
[18] Feipeng Jiao,Jingang Yu, Xiaoqing Chen, Weijie Yang. Excellent adsorption of acid flavine 2G by MgAl mixed metal oxides with magnetic iron oxide, Appl. Clay Sci., 2014,101: 30-37 权威刊物
[19] Jiao F P(通讯作者). Enantioseparation of Phenylsuccinic Acid Enantiomers Using Aqueous Two-Phase Flotation and Their Determination by HPLC and UV Detection,Chromatographia, 2014, 77:679-685
[20] Jiao F P(通讯作者). Enantioseparation of phenylsuccinic acid enantiomers based on aqueous two-phase system with ethanol/ammonium sulfate: phase diagrams optimization and partitioning experiments,Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry,2015,81:475-484 
[21] Feipeng JIao, Jun Wang, Xinyu Jiang Xiaoqing Chen Jingang Yu. Biphasic recognition enantioselective extraction of ofloxacin enantiomers by an aqueous two-phase system. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 2015 (Online)权威刊物
[22] Yangmeihui Zhou Xiaoqing Chen, Li Shuai, Jingang Yu, Xinyu Jiang, Feipeng Jiao(通讯作者). Visible-light-driven photocatalytic properties of Layered double hydroxide supported-Bi2O3 modified by Pd(Ⅱ) for methylene blue, Adv. Powder Technol., 2015, 26:439-447
[23] Fei-peng JIAO, Li SHUAI, Jin-gang YU, Xin-yu JIANG, Xiao-qing CHEN, Shao-long DU.Adsorption of glutamic acid from aqueous solution with calcined layered double Mg−Fe−CO3 hydroxide, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 2014,24:3971−3978
[24] Yangmeihui Zhou,Wenjihao Hu,Feipeng Jiao(通讯作者) , Jingang Yu. Effective photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by Cu2O/MgAl layered double hydroxides. Reac. Kinet. Mech. Cat., 2015, 115: 581-596
[25] Feipeng JIao(通讯作者). Efficient enantioseparation of phenylsuccinic acid enantiomers by biphasic recognition-based aqueous two-phase systems: phase behaviors and distribution experiments. Process Biochem. 2015,50:1468-1478 权威刊物
[26] Feipeng JIao(通讯作者). Preparation of Octadecyl Bonded Silica Based on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for the Preconcentration.J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2015 (Accepted)
[27] Feipeng JIao(通讯作者).High Energy Density Asymmetric Supercapacitors From Mesoporous NiCo2S4 Nanosheets. Electrochim. Acta. 2015, 174: 238-245.权威刊物
[28] Feipeng JIao(通讯作者).Current Research and Development of Carbon–Hydrogen (C–H) Activations in Catalyzing organic Syntheses.Curr. org. Synth. 2015, 12, 385-390 权威刊物
[29] Feipeng JIao(通讯作者).Graphene nanosheets as novel adsorbents in adsorption, preconcentration and removal of gases, organic compounds or metal ions. Sci Total Environ, 2015, 502: 70-79.权威刊物
[30] Feipeng JIao(通讯作者).Macrocyclic β-cyclodextrin derivative-based aqueous-two phase systems: phase behaviors and applications in enantioseparation. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2015(Submitted) .权威刊物
专利: 陈晓青,焦飞鹏,李琳,蒋新宇,田玲星,一种拆分手性药物的方法,2013. 4,中国,ZL 201010552059. 3
联系方式: 电话: 0731-88830833 电子信箱:jiaofp@163.com 


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