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·         1981/09  1986/06Purdue大学,物理系,博士 
·         1977/09  1981/06,中南矿冶学院(现中南大学),物理系,学士 

·         2010-今,中国中南大学,超微结构与超快过程研究所,所长。 
·         1999-今,美国罗切斯特大学,正教授 
·         1994-1999年,美国罗切斯特大学,副教授 
·         1988-1994年,美国罗切斯特大学,助理教授 
·         1986- 1988年,美国明尼苏达大学博士后副研究员 

·         Cinchetti,* M., Heimer, K., Wüstenberg, J.-P., Andreyev, O., Bauer, M., Lach, S., Ziegler, C., Gao, Y. & Aeschlimann, M., Determination of spin injection and transport in a ferromagnet/organic semiconductor heterojunction by two-photon photoemission, Nature Material, 8, 115 (2009). 
·         Ding, H., Park, K.W., Gao, Y.,* Kim, D.Y.& So, F., Electronic structure and interactions of LiF doped tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq), Chem. Phys. Lett.473, 92 (2009). 
·         Wei, J. H., Gao, Y.L.& Wang, X.R.*, Inverse Square-Root Field Dependence of Conductivity in organic Field-Effect Transistors, Appl. Phys. Lett.94, 073301 (2009). 
·         Kim, D.Y., Subbiah, J., Sarasqueta, G., So, F., Ding, H.,Irfan & Gao,Y.*, The effect of molybdenum oxide interlayer on organic photovoltaic cells, Appl. Phys. Lett.95, 093304 (2009). 
·         Gao,Y.,* Surface Analytical Studies of Interfaces in organic Semiconductor Devices, Materials Sci. Engr. Rep. 68, 39 (2010). (应邀学科综述) 
·         Irfan, Ding, H., Gao, Y.*, Kim, D.-Y., Subbiah, J., Sarasqueta, G.& So,F. Energy level evolution of molybdenum trioxide inter-layer between indium-tin-oxide (ITO) and organic semiconductor, Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 073304 (2010). 
·         Ding, H., Reese, C., Mäkinen, A. J., Bao, Z.& Gao, Y.*, Angle-resolved photoemission study of rubrene single crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett.96, 222106 (2010). 
·         Zhang, M., Irfan, Ding, H., Gao, Y.& Tang, C. W.*, organic Schottky barrier solar cells based on MoOX/C60 junction, Appl. Phys. Lett.96, 183301 (2010). 
·         Irfan, Ding, H., Gao, Y.*, Small, C., Kim, D.Y., Subbiah, J. & So, F., Energy level evolution of air and oxygen exposed molybdenum trioxide films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 243307 (2010). 
·         H. Ding and Yongli Gao*, "Rubrene electronic structure, interface energy level alignment, and growth dynamics," Proc. SPIE 7778, 77780J (2011).   
·         Irfan, H. Ding, F. So, and Y. Gao*, "Oxide insertion layer in organic semiconductor devices," J. Photo. Energy 1, 011105 (2011). 
·         Irfan, M. Zhang, H. Ding, C. W. Tang and Y. Gao*, "Strong interface p-doping and band bending in C60 on MoOx", J. org. Elec. 12, 1588 (2011). 
·         Hao Lin, Irfan, Wei Xia, Hsiang N. Wu, Yongli Gao, Ching W. Tang*, "MoOx back contact for CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells: Preparation, device characteristics, and stability," Sol. En. Mat. Sol. Cells, 99, 349 (2012). 
·         Irfan, C.G. Wang, A.J. Turinske, and Y. Gao,* Methods to protect and recover work function of air exposed transition metal oxide thin films,Proc. SPIE 8476, 847616 (2012). 
·         Irfan Irfan, H. Lin, W. Xia, H. S. Wu, C. W. Tang, and Y. Gao,* The effect of MoOx inter-layer on thin film CdTe/CdS solar cell, Sol. Ener. Mater. Sol. Cells 105, 86 (2012). 
·         Jegadesan Subbiah, Chad M. Amb, Irfan Irfan, Yongli Gao*, John R. Reynolds*, and Franky So*, High-Efficiency Inverted Polymer Solar Cells with Double Interlayer,ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 4, 866 (2012). 
·         Irfan, Y. Gao*, Effects of exposure and air annealing on MoOx thin films,J. Photonics for Energy 2, 021213-12 (2012). 
·         Irfan and Y. Gao*, Metal-Oxides Hole Injection/Extraction Layer in organic Semiconductor Devices,ECS Transactions35(19), 11 (2012). 
·         Irfan, H. Ding, Yongli Gao*, W. Xia, H. Lin, and C. W. Tang, Nitric-phosphoric acid etching effects on the surface chemical composition of CdTe thin film,Thin Solid Films 520, 1988 (2012). 
·         H. Lin, W. Xia, H.N. Wu, C.W. Tang, I. Irfan, Y. Gao*, MoOx as an Efficient and Stable Back Contact Buffer for Thin Film CdTe Solar Cells,MRS Online Proc. 1447 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/opl.2012.1164 (2012). 
·         Sondra L. Hellstrom, Michael Vosgueritchian, Randall M. Stoltenberg, Irfan Irfan, Mallory Hammock, Bril Wang, Chuangcheng Jia, Xuefeng Guo, Yongli Gao, Zhenan Bao*, Strong and stable doping of carbon nanotubes and graphene by MoOx for transparent electrodes,Nano Lett. 12, 3574 (2012). 
·         Irfan, A.J. Turinske, Zhenan Bao, and Yongli Gao,* Work function recovery of air exposed molybdenum oxide thin films,Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 093305 (2012). 
·         Irfan Irfan, Sachiko Graber, Franky So, and Yongli Gao*,Interplay of cleaning and de-doping in oxygen plasma treated high work function indium tin oxide (ITO),Org. Elec. 13, 2028 (2012). 
·         Insertion and Debye Screening in organic Semiconductor Interfaces,Electronic Structure and Processes at Molecular-based Interfaces Conference-V, Chiba, Japan, January 2010, 国际应邀报告 
·         Metal Oxide Insertion Layer in organic Semiconductor Device,International Workshop on organic Electronics and Spintronics, Nagoya, Japan, March 2010,国际应邀报告 
·         Oxide Insertion Layer in organic Semiconductor Devices,SPIE Symposium, San Diego, Aug. 2010,国际应邀报告 
·         Rubrene Electronic Structure, Interface Energy Level Alignment, and Growth Dynamics,  SPIE Symposium, San Diego, Aug. 2010. "Angle resolved photoemission study of rubrene single crystal," 219th ECS Meeting, Montreal, Canada, April 2011,国际应邀报告 
·         "How to Make ITO a Better Anode," SPIE Symposium, San Diego, Aug. 2011,国际应邀报告 
·         "Metal-Oxides Hole Injection Layer in organic Semiconductor Devices," Structure and Processes at Molecular-based Interfaces Conference-VI, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 2011,国际应邀报告
·         Debye Screening in organic Thin Film Transistors, Hunan Physical Society Meeting, Xiangtan, China, Jan. 2011,国内应邀报告 
·         Spin Injection in organic Semiconductors,Summer Symposium of Hunan Physical Society, Loudi, China, July 2011,国内应邀报告 
·         Metal-Oxides Hole Injection Layer in organic Semiconductor Devices,National Conference on organic Light Emitting Properties-VII, Zhangjiajie, China, Oct. 2011,国内应邀报告 
·         Metal-Oxides Hole Injection Layer in organic Semiconductor Devices,Tri-University Research Workshop on Advanced Engineering, Wuhan, China, Nov. 2011,国内应邀报告 
3. 专著: 
·         Y. Gao, Organic/Metal Interface Properties,in Introduction to organic Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Ed. S. Sun and L. Dalton, 637 (Taylor& Francis CRC Press, New York, 2008). 
·         Y. Gao, Interface in organic Semiconductor Devices: Dipole, Doping, Band Bending, and  Growth,in organic Electronics :Materials, Processing, Devices, and Applications, Ed. F. So, 141 (Taylor& Francis CRC Press, New York, 2009). 
·         Y. Gao, Interface in organic Semiconductor Devices: Dipole, Doping, Band Bending, and  Growth, in Organic Electronics :Materials, Processing, Devices, and Applications, Ed. F. So, 141 (Taylor& Francis CRC Press, New York, 2009). 



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